Funnel Cake Freelancing is Going to Free You From Third-Party Platforms So You Can Build a Sustainable Freelancing Business.

Here’s a quick look into what this course will grant you:

  • You won’t have to check your phone a thousand times a day to stay top-of-mind.
  • You’ll be able to work with clients you actually give a fuck about.
  • You’ll earn 100% of your profits every. freaking. time.
  • You finallllyyyyy get to make your own rules!!

As seen in: Wait-You know most people pay to be in the names they mention here, right? Girl, bye.

➡️ Learn how to build your brand as a freelance service provider so you can leave $5 platforms and fill your books with projects you don’t hate without spending hours creating content every day so you can truly soak in the freedom freelancing is ready to give you.

Funnel Cake Freelancing is your opportunity to create a freelancing business with the structure, boundaries, and toppings YOU choose…that isn’t reliant on Fiverr or Upwork or any other site that wants a cut of your hard-earned money.

You’ll learn how to build a brand that:

  • Stands out in your industry
  • Has clients begging you to open your books

So you can clock in when you want and step away whenever needed.

And building a brand isn’t just posting every day or sending a few emails. It’s also in HOW you show up for yourself and your business behind the scenes.

freelance writing course

Listen I know your life looks different than mine. (I mean, I think it’s wack you don’t lay on the couch with your laptop on your lap and a blunt in your hand while Shameless is on in the background…but you do you lollllllll.)

Being that we live (most likely) very different lives, I don’t expect your freelancing journey to look anything like mine. 

Matter of fact, I assume it’s going to look quite different. Which is so freaking beautiful!!

What I’m teaching you inside Funnel Cake Freelancing are concepts, opportunities, tips, and recommendations that are at your disposal to consume when needed, wanted, or pondered…

So you can build your online brand as a freelance writer without staying on social media 25/8 or dipping out of dinner early to create content for tomorrow.

Now that’s a topping we can ALL get behind, am I right?? 😈

  • Building your brand
  • Setting up services
  • Pitching and pivoting
  • Client calls and communication
  • Getting OFF Fiverr & Upwork
  • Taking home your WHOLE BAGGGGG

But I want this to be SUPER underwhelming for you. 

As an ADHD princess 👑, I know how easy it is to dive into something new head first and fully submerged…only to overwhelm yourself and never re-opening the course again.

For this exact reason, most of the Funnel Cake Freelancing videos are intentionally between 5-20 minutes. There is only ONE training that is close to 60 minutes. 

  • You can always come back and grab bits and pieces when needed without having to 3x through longggg videos (because let’s be real-you won’t do that).
  • Each section comes with a transcript or notes so you have a written workbook to use IF that’s how you learn and retain best.
  • The mp3 audio comes with each video as well so you can work through material on the road, in the gym, or while you’re cleaning!!!

GRAB N GO, BBY! You have options with ALL of this so you can simply fit it into your daily routine.

Here’s a look inside Funnel Cake Freelancing:

→ Aligned Business Basics 🔮

In this module, you will set up your business logistics, learn how to separate yourself from your business, and begin to deeply understand how you work so you can build a business that fits your lifestyle.

→ Pick Your Plate 🍽️

If you are a new freelancer, you will build out offers that feel like a tight bear hug for your soul.

If you have been freelancing for a while now, you will learn how to add new services to your offer suite and when to pivot.

→ Sweetening Your Portfolio 🍯

Here, you will learn how to create your freelance writing portfolio without working for free because you’re brand is also how you show up on the backend. You will decide where to host your portfolio and when to show off your work to your clients!

Sugar Rush Writing 🍧

You’ll learn my Sugar Rush Writing method for creating hot content quickly, easily, and on demand before even creating your marketing strategy! I want you to see how freaking easy content gets to be before choosing your route–and how quickly you can download hundreds of personal ideas!

→ Milky-Way Marketing 🍫

It’s time to build your brand, baby doll. This module walks you through a variety of social media outlets so you can pick one that makes the most sense for you. You’ll also learn my favorite Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Email List tips to have clients knocking down your (virtual) front door.

→ Ice-Cream-Cold Pitching 🍦

Don’t freeze on me now: It’s time to get in front of your soulmate clients! In this section, you’ll learn how to research your soulmate clients and customize your pitch quickly so you can work on projects you actually give a dang about – AND you will learn how to use this research to create content that speaks directly to your soulmate clients as soon as they land on your account.

→ Nutter-Butter Networking IRL 🥜

We’re bringing the sweetly salty flavor to in-real-life networking. The kind that makes your lips smack it’s so good! This section teaches you ways to step out into the ‘real world’ to support your local economy, friends, and businesses by offering your services.

→ Candy Shop Client Calls 🤳

Between prospect, onboarding, and check-in calls, your clients have a lot of access to you. This module teaches you how to navigate client calls with questionnaires, time boundaries, and project changes. (Again: Your brand is your backend, too.)

If you can afford to comfortably invest $555 without hesitation (even if it feels a little uncomfy), do it! This pays it forward to others who aren’t in the same position, but still want to take action on this course.

If this won’t have you cutting corners on necessities, but you’ll put this on a credit card you don’t have a payoff plan for, you are welcome to enroll in Funnel Cake Freelancing for $333.

If you feel like the original investment will have you cutting corners on necessities, like dinners, date nights, or doctor’s appts, or you have to open a new line of credit, please feel comfortable investing $111.

This course is life-changing if you choose for it to be, and I want it to be accessible to everyone–EASILY. This model is based on trust, and I trust you. <3

freelance writing course

If I’m going to be the one to teach you this, you should probably learn a little more about me. Here you go-

I’m Jess, *hopefully* your new freelancing guide, here to guide you through all the toppings that come with freelance writing!

I started online writing in 2019 as a blog writer for my first blog, Becoming the Best Self, under my @barbiewithablog account.

Here’s a quick glance at the small personal brands I’ve built over the years:

I’ll spare you the “if I had stuck with it, I’d be a millionaire” story and get to the point.

After a few months of blogging, I began writing blog articles for one of my (then) mentors. This is my first ‘aha!!! I can make money writing for people’ moment.

The second moment comes almost a year and a half later. In January of 2021, I made my first $1,000-month as a freelance writer by writing for bloggers I found by networking in Facebook groups (which you’ll learn in this course).

Side note for transparency: Because I am a true princess, my husband supports me financially, and just about every other way you could think of, too, but that’s beside the point. This is important to note here because I see my privilege. And also, him supporting me does not negate the bag I bring in every day, week, month, and year.

About 3 months later, I quit my nearly full-time job because I was making between $1-2k for about ~20hr/month as a freelance writer.

During this time, I began working for a well-known name in an incredibly popular industry, who I consider my first “big girl” client. While I was absolutely working my ass off, I was making a consistent $1,500/mo from this client alone.

This became my comfort level because I knew everything else, every client, invoice, and referral, was extra!  (You’ll learn more about retainer clients inside this course.)

Over the next 12 months, I went on to:

  • Hit my first $10k quarter
  • Fired the previously mentioned client
  • Surpassed consistent $8k months
  • Ran right to my first $10k month as a freelance writer. 
  • Started an entirely new Instagram account
  • Went heavy on building my online brand
  • Ditched my Fiverr and Upwork
  • Cut my working hours down to 3hrs/day M-Th without dipping below $5k months

You can build a sustainable freelance writing business without using apps that take a percentage of your profit.

I created Funnel Cake Freelancing in bite-sized pieces so you can have a snack here and there or indulge in a 5-course meal at one time. 

When baby leaps are all that you can take, maybe you listen to an audio recording on the way to your 9-5. And when you have the space and energy to quantum leap your shit, you inhale as much as you can in one toke. 

This course won’t teach you how to make $10,000 months or $100k years or scale into an agency or anything like that.

But how many times a freaking day do you check your Fiverr app to make sureeeee you’re keeping your response rate under 1 hour…only to still not get a gig in weeks?

Or what about the number of times you log into Upwork to see if you have any more connects you can throw away and hopefully land something with???

Babe, you’re going to walk away from Funnel Cake Freelancing with:

  • A sustainable business built with your long-term goal in mind
  • Actionable prompts and next moves to get you moving forward right now
  • A deeper confidence in your skills, services, brand, and business
  • The ability to create quick, valuable content on-demand to share with your community

This is the course I wish I had when I started freelancing. Heck, I wish I had this when I started blogging so I could’ve forgone that and gone deep into this yearssss before I did! Here’s why:

If I knew how to set up the backend of my business (or my business in general lol what am I talking about), handle client feedback and objection conversations with grace, or charge my mfknnnn worth…


freelance writing course

You learn all of this and more inside Funnel Cake Freelancing because I want you to have the fixings of freelancing I didn’t know existed.

I do need you to know this last thing, though…

Don’t do this for an overnight success story. You will not get it. And if you do, that had nothing to do with this course and everything to do with luck. You may be lucky; luck isn’t sustainable.

Do this for the life you want to have in 1 year, 5 years, or 20 years. Depend on your consistency and longevity, not luck. It’s much safer that way. 

(I know, I know, you’re a rebel and f the rules and safety guidelines. I love you for being this way. And also, trust me on this one.)

Funnel Cake Freelancing teaches you how to build a sustainable business so that in a few years, everyone thinks you had overnight success and is wondering how tf you did it!

Anywho, if you’re wondering if this is ‘the sign’, it is. 

If you don’t believe me, here are a few circumstances that make Funnel Cake Freedom a juicy playground for freelancers:

  • You’re tired of using freelancing apps that charge clients AND take a % of your hard-earned money. Sure, they ‘bring’ clients to you…but don’t you feel like you’re working wayyyy too hard to charge so little and not even make 100% of it?
  • You’ve been freelancing off and on for awhile now and finally want to set up a business, like retainers, proposals and automations, that generates at least a couple thousand each month but doesn’t come with more 40hr weeks
  • Your books stay full but you don’t feel like you can ever come up for air. You know you should increase your prices and change your packages, but where do you even start?! How do you even do this and have these conversations? What happens after you do this?!
  • You’re new here but you’ve read some books and watched some videos. Instead of digging for all the missing links and hoping you’re shoving them together correctly, you prefer taking a course (this course, duh) to alleviate the confusion and catapult you into the world of freelancing. HELL YEAH. You are my type of babe, babe.

And if you’re thinking:

“Idk, man. Big investment. Lotta money. Idk if I can do it right now.”

I want you to know I absolutely see you in this and if it’s not a good move for you, financially, right now, that’s fair. And I respect that about you!!! You’re so good with your budget.

If it’s a little risky, but in a fun, playful, ‘what if it works’ type of way, get in on the payment plan! 

It’s the same exact price as paid in full, just broken up into 3 monthly payments, because you shouldn’t be penalized for choosing to pay in the safest way for you.

And if you have the money and are just using the “eh there are cheaper learning methods”…you’re right. There are. Go find those because this is in no way a cheap asset.

But let’s keep it 100% – you know you’re going to come back to this exact sales page again and again and again.

You’re probably even going to think about it when your pretty little head hits your comfy little pillow tonight. Get inside already!!!! It’s wayyyy more enjoyable once you’re inside. #thatswhatshesaid 😉

“I don’t think I have the time to put into this right now”

The whole point of Funnel Cake Freelancing is to make it work WITHIN your pre-existing schedule and lifestyle habits. Sure, maybe this means you only watch one video per week or even one per month. If you can find 20 minutes per day (even if it’s while you’re doing something else, you habit stacking baddie) to put toward this, you can make money as a freelance writer. This course teaches you how.

“I don’t even know if this will work for me”

Well, whichever side you believe the most is going to win and I’m not in the role of convincing. If you think it’s going to work for you, it is. If you think it isn’t, it isn’t. Both are very, very true. If you are the latter, this course isn’t for you and will end up feeling like a waste of time and money. If you are the former, this course will help you gain confidence, understanding, and trust while building a sustainable freelancing business that works for you

“I’ve tried other courses like this in the past and they didn’t work out for me”

Ugh, I understand how frustrated you must be. And this probably brings up a lot of feelings for you because you neverrrr want an experience like that again. Here’s how this course is different: You are allowed to start wherever you feel called to first (instead of being forced to go everywhere in order). You can skip around and change up any of the methods, downloads, and recommendations I give you to help align with your current schedule better! Instead of teaching you a step-by-step method for creating a sustainable freelance writing business, you get to use this course as a tool in your toolbelt whenever you hit a bump in the road, need some tough love, or want affirmations. The strategies you will learn inside Funnel Cake Freelancing teach you how to build and run a sustainable freelance writing business that’s not dependent on apps like Fiverr or Upwork in a way that makes the most sense for you.

– How to write and what freelancing is

– That you have to eventually just start to start 😅

– The millions of freelancing platforms, social media accounts, and outreach options to market yourself

Funnel Cake Freelancing is everything in between and after:

– How to create your offers (and how to navigate pivoting, changing, or deleting your offers)

– How to build a brand that gets client who don’t make you want to throw your keyboard across the living room (withouttttt sitting on platforms that take 20% of your paycheck)

What to do once those clients start rolling in, books begin filling up, and burn-out starts creeping up ahead

This is your last chance to make your decision, lover, lover. So, what it is?

Good girl. Now let’s get to work. 😈

freelance writing course

freelance writing course